Friday, July 24, 2009

China Calling Coming to a Close

Dear Family,
Things here at TIP have been moving fast of late. The free time that I have I use to sightsee and spend time with the other teachers as in a few days I may never see them again. In a only a few days I head back to the States! I must apologize to you for not writing more, but as I see it, I will see nearly all of you who are reading this very soon. Seeing you face to face and being able to share everything with you then will bring me great joy! Besides, I can only share so much on here due to government restrictions, so there is so much more to tell you when I see you. I will save the stories until then. I will take this time to explain a little bit about what I will be doing until I see you.
Today is the last “regular” day of classes and normal weekday events for the students. Their last day here is Sunday. Sunday will be their practicum which will be graded by their fellow classmates. Sunday is also the closing ceremony. Sunday is farewell and it will be a very emotional time. There is so much prep work and busy time before this that we don’t think about tomorrow very much. This makes things less difficult. After the students leave on Sunday, all of the staff here will be going out to dinner for a staff farewell celebration. Teachers begin to depart starting tomorrow already as the flights are very staggered. There are also four teachers who are leaving tomorrow to go to a middle school in Beijing to teach for several weeks. Monday is clean up day, but there won’t be too much to clean up as the next crew is here and the next session begins in less than a week. The new crew is in quarantine and we will not get to meet them. There are only about seven of them compared to the near forty we had this session! My flight leaves Wednesday so I have Tuesday free to sightsee with some remaining staff. I arrive in Chicago on Thursday morning and will be taking a bus to Minneapolis that day arriving around 3 in the afternoon. I will stay with mom and dad for a night and the next day I will be going to Cumberland, WI to visit Kjrstin’s family at their cabin. I will be back in Superior on the 2nd of August. I’m looking forward to be coming home (home as in all of these places in the States!).
As I close, please remember to pray for the students. Please pray for the teachers as well, as we need lots of energy for the next two days. Pray for more opportunities to share our faith. Pray for safe travels and Gods continued provisions.
As always, thank you for praying. See you soon, Jeremy

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